
Learn more about our instructional program, see the school supply list, and find out how to access the Parent Student Information System (SIS).

Instruction and Evaluation

  • Burke School is a Fairfax County Public Day School and we follow the prescribed county curriculum. The county's curriculum is based on Virginia State mandated Standards of Learning. The links below include the FCPS Program of Studies for each subject area and information regarding supporting student progress and achievement.

School Academic Program

  • Burke School is unique in its ability to adapt and modify the curriculum based on individual student needs due to its small, structured setting. Class size ranges from 6 - 10 students per teacher and assistant. As a result, intensive academic assistance is readily available. Students participate in four core academic classes, as well as PE and two elective classes per day. All students who attend Burke School have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). The IEP outlines a students' current level of academic and social functioning, and is used as an important document to tailor the established curriculum to the students' individual needs. For students not functioning on grade level, grading reflects not only content achievement but progress toward IEP goals.

Emotional and Behavioral Support

  • Burke School represents Fairfax County’s most supportive school program for students with emotional and other disabilities. Our educational program is supplemented by a variety of resources to support our students' emotional and behavioral needs. Due to the intensity and range of our students' needs it is sometimes for them to successfully engage in learning opportunities. Clinical staff and Coaching Resource Teachers work together to provide a multidisciplinary support network. Our goal is to support students and their teachers as they develop strategies and skills that will help them become positive community members.

FCPS Middle School Academics

Middle School Homework Policy

Secondary Grading and Reporting